Saturday, August 31, 2019
John Lock’Es View on Innate Knowledge Essay
John Locke, a renowned English philosopher in the seventeenth century, argued against the pre-existing prevalent belief of innate knowledge, such as those led by Descartes. Many of Locke’s arguments begin with criticisms on philosophers’ opinion on innate knowledge, notably Descartes. Therefore, many of Locke’s arguments are direct rebuttals of Descartes and other philosophers’ beliefs about the existence of innate knowledge. To arrive at the conclusion that innate knowledge is impossible, Locke comes with various premises and rebuttals that add weight to his arguments. First, Locke emphasizes that knowledge and ideas are learned through experience, not innately. He argues that people’s minds at birth are ‘blank slate’ that is later filled through experience. Here, the ‘senses’ play an important role because ‘the knowledge of some truths, as Locke confesses, is very in the mind; but in a way that shows them not to be innate’. By this, Locke argues that some ideas are actually in the mind from an early age but these ideas are furnished by the senses starting in the womb. For example, the color blue and the ‘blueness’ of something is not that which is learned innately but is some is learned through exposures to a blue object or thing. So if we do have a universal understanding of ‘blueness’, it is because we are exposed to blue objects ever since we were young. The blue sky is what many would acquaint with blue easily and at a young age. Second, Locke argues that people have no innate principles. Locke contended that innate principles rely upon innate ideas within people but such innate ideas do not exist. He says this on the basis that there is no ‘universal consent’ that everyone agrees upon. Locke quotes that ‘There is nothing more commonly taken for granted that there are certain principles universally agreed upon by all mankind, but there are none to which all mankind give a universal assent’. This argues against the very foundation of the idea of innate knowledge because principles that garner universal assent are thought to be known innately, simply because it is the best explanation available. However, it cannot even be an explanation for such belief because no ‘universal consent’ exists. Rationalists argue that there are in fact some principles that are universally agreed upon, such as the principle of identity. But it is far-fetched to claim that everyone knows this principle of identity because for the least, children and idiots, the less-intelligent ones are not acquainted with it. There are several objections to these premises and arguments that are outlined above. The argument by Locke that there are some ideas that are in the mind at an early age gives credence to argument for the innate ideas. For ideas to be furnished by the senses later on there has to be ideas that are laid as foundations. If such ideas are innate, as acknowledged by Locke, no matter how trivial or less significant these ideas may be as one may argue, such claim could give weight to the idea of innate knowledge. Innate knowledge or ideas, after all, doesn’t imply that all ideas are innate because as one can see, there are things that we learn through our experiences and encounters in life as well. So as long as there is even the basic principle that is innate early in life, then innate knowledge can be known to exist. The validity behind the claim that there is no ‘universal consent’ is also questionable. Locke argues that no principle that all mankind agrees upon exists because there are those who are not acquainted with such principle, notably children and idiots. However, the terms children and idiots are somewhat misguided. How are children and especially the idiots categorized? Is there a specific criteria used for those who are classified as idiots? It is hard to generalize that idiots or those who are deemed less intelligent are not acquainted with certain principles because at times, intelligence is not the best indicator of someone’s knowledge or ideas. There are many intelligent people out there who take their status for granted and do not think, contemplate or make an effort to their best extent. The objections that are made against the initial arguments can be defended in certain ways. Regarding the objection that since there are innate ideas in the mind at an early age, innate knowledge exists, the term ‘innate’ should be thought of again in greater detail. Innate knowledge has to be significant enough for us to recount to be considered such. Thus, there comes a risk with considering the ideas within our minds early on as innate. For example, the knowledge of our hands and feet maybe imbedded to us at a very early stage. The knowledge of using our hands and feet are not so significant. The knowledge that we gain through our use of hands and feet could be vital knowledge that we may recount throughout. Throwing a baseball properly under a coach’s instructions is an example. Also, there is the claim that intelligence cannot be the sole indicator of one’s acquisition of ‘universal consent’ and that there isn’t a clear distinction of those who can understand universal principles to those who cannot. However, the important focus here should not be on defining ‘idiots’ and intelligence but on that universal consent is hard to be assembled by every single mankind. Therefore, more should be considered than just innate knowledge that could garner universal consent. Empirical principles that are derived from experience could garner universal assent too. For example, the fear of ‘dying’ or ‘getting seriously injured’ could mean that people would not jump out the roof from tall buildings. And this belief could be universal among all.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Monopoly term paper Essay
Monopoly is a market structure containing a single firm that produces a unique good with no close substitutes. It controls supply of a good or service. It is where the entry of new producers is prevented or highly restricted. According to the Business Dictionary, monopolist firms keep the price high and restrict the output, and show little or no responsiveness to the needs of their customers. Most governments try to control monopolies by imposing price controls, taking over their ownership (nationalization), or breaking them up into two or more competing firms. Monopolies exist in varying degrees (degrees (due to copyrights, patents, access to materials, exclusive technologies, or unfair trade practices) almost no firm has a complete monopoly in the era of globalization. So we can see the problem of monopoly is that it can set a higher price than marginal cost. The fact that a monopoly does not face the discipline of competition means that the monopoly may operate inefficiently without being corrected by the marketplace. An example for monopoly might be Comcast. If Comcast were the only cable television provider in your area. If you want cable, you have no choice but to go to Comcast. And because of this, they can charge any price they want. Other local electric power company, campus bookstore or local telephone service might be local monopolies as well. George J. Stigler, director of the Center for the Study of The Economy and the state, professor of economics at the University of Chicago states that a monopoly is free to set any price it chooses and will usually set the price that yields the largest possible profit. There are three problems that often associated with a market controlled totally by a single firm such as inefficiency, inequity and political abuse (AmosWEB Encyclonomic). Inefficiency is the most noted problem in monopoly. A monopoly charges a higher price and produces less output than perfect competition. Also, the price charged by the monopoly is always greater than the marginal cost of production. Income inequality is another problem of monopoly. Monopoly earns economic profit, consumer surplus is transferred from buyers to the monopoly. So buyers end up with less income, and the monopoly ends up with more. Monopoly is able to maintain single-seller status and market control, income continues to be transferred from buyers to the monopoly and to the monopoly resource owners.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Origins and Evolution of Ipe Essay
Origins and evolution of IPE and its relationship with International Relations, Comparative Politics and Economics International Political Economy can be defined as the study of how economics and politics influence each other in the global system; the interaction of those two aspects of the global society. IPE focuses how governmental policies affect the way economic resources are used and what are the consequences of those policies, especially economic consequences (welfare consequences). Although the terms â€Å"globalization†and IPE are relatively new, global political economy, as the study of interaction between politics and economics, has existed for more than a century. The first global economy took place during the nineteenth century when the British Empire was the center and hegemony of the global economy and trade. In a time when mercantilism was the dominant economic system, Britain made its economy more flexible and opened to the exterior; this first global economy was based on bilateral agreements that reduced tariffs and on a stable international monetary system (starting with the British abolition of Corn Laws and the British-French Cobden-Chevalier Treaty). The gold standard was also adopted by many nations as the fixed rate exchange. By these years, the first perspectives of international political economy were used to explain the situation and the future of the global economy: †¢ Liberalism: that encourages international economic interactions in order to enrich each of the involved countries. Individuals are the main actors ruling the economy and cooperation benefits all of them. †¢ Mercantilism: which argues that economic power is necessary to gain national power; it supports that the State is the most important actor in economics. †¢ Marxism: that divides the global economy in two groups: advanced countries that explode the poorest countries. However, the beginning of the twentieth century was characterized by multiple changes in the system. The First World War meant the collapsed of the British hegemony and the raise of the American power. Despite the collapsed of the global economy in 1929, the Great Depression, USA regained its economic power during and after the Second World War (period known as the Pax Americana). Since WWII was caused in part by the failure to reconstruct a stable global economy after WWI, United States, as the hegemonic power, worked in order to create international institutions to provide a more stable structure and integrated international economy. Therefore, developments after 1945 have increased the interactions between economies. In this post-war period, new international organizations were created: World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank have strongly shaped the international political economy and its study. Today, the understanding of their function is essential to the study of IPE; they are key focuses of the IPE. However, some argue that the IPE was not developed until the 60’s and 70’s, when the Pax Americana was declining. This was a period characterized political and social instability; economy was not as prosper as it used to be in the past and the Cold War was increasing the international tension between capital and communist blocs. Moreover, events such as the Oil Embargo in 1973 and the breakdown of the Bretton Woods monetary system are key factors that influenced the development of IPE. For these reason, the old theories were not able anymore to analyze and understand the global political and economic situation. Theories like the hegemonic stability, which argues the necessary existence of a hegemonic country which controls the global political economy, failed in their attempts to predict the future of the international system based on state-power explanations. USA hegemony has been collapsing since the 60’s; however, cooperation, interdependence and global trade since then have increased successfully. Today, the global economy is dominated not only by United States, but by Japan, Germany and France. Moreover, IPE today is facing the challenges of a more globalized political economy, where new actors have key roles in the function of the system, such as China and India. By examining the historic events of the international environment during the last centuries, we can notice how important the interaction is between economic and political factors in the global system. Economic tools, such as tariffs, clearly determine openness and global trade: the lowest the tariffs of states, the greater the openness of economies (periods from 1820 to 1879 and from 1946 to 1970). Those periods of open economies correspond to the raising of the British and American hegemony. On the other hand, we can notice how these economic interactions shape States’ foreign policies: normally, trade is concentrated within regions not only because of comparative advantage, but by political choices or dictates (Krasner, 29). Nowadays, globalization is creating a lot of controversy and disagreement about the future of our international system. While some emphasizes the benefits of a more interdependent and cooperative economy, others argue that globalization consequences are social inequalities and financial crisis. The challenge today is to decide whether the states should increase global trade or close their economies. Those political decisions are strongly influenced by social and public opinions; if individuals and other economic actors reject globalization, policies would be created to protect their national economies rather than maintaining the openness. History demonstrates how political actions of individual states clearly affect international trade and re lations; at the same time, those policies affect the behavior of economic actors in the international environment and foreign policy of other states. In a globalized world neither economic theories nor political theories alone can explain and predict the international system. IPE integrates both and is developing its theories to face the changes of the economies and politics of the globe. IPE has been forced to adopt new research methods and analytical tools to explain the new trends of the international arena. Today’s IPE theories have to include new units of analysis such as the role of international institutions and how policies affect particular groups. Today, we can differentiate between four IPE perspectives: international political (emphasizes the role of domestic policies), international economic (highlights global economic factors), domestic institutional (studies the role of the institutions of the state) and domestic societal (the role of sociopolitical actors). The most dominant approach today is the Open Economy Politics, which include new units of study such as the interest of particular groups, the role of institutions and the influence of one state’s decisions in other states’ behaviors. International Political Economy (IPE) is a â€Å"maturing interdiscipline†As we mentioned before, Political Economy, as the study of the interaction between economics and politics, is not new. However, during the past decades, changes in the global system have led to new and more developed studies, and IPE has emerged as new and renovated interdisciplinary field. IPE was born, as know it today, when scholars realized the importance to understand the simultaneous growth and conflict in international markets in the 60’s and 70’s. Since its birth, IPE has evolved and many different approaches have risen. On the one hand, the dependency theory was developed, which argues that the world is divided in a periphery (the poore st countries) that is dominated by the core (the most developed countries). On the other, the hegemonic stability theory was also created, which supports that the existence of a hegemonic power is necessary in other to control and stabilize a global economy. Another approach to IPE also emphasizes the importance of interest groups in trade policies. As we can notice, new perspectives and situations lead to different approaches. Today, the dominant approach is the Open Economy Politics (OEP), which incorporates new and more explicit variables to the study of the international political economy. OEP focuses in how individual or groups are affected by particular policies, how institutions aggregate conflicting societal interests and rule the political game, and how states negotiate when necessary to influence one another’s behavior. Therefore, we can see how IPE has grown and improved in the last decades to adjust their methods to changes in the global system. New tools and research methods have undoubtedly improved IPE outcomes. However, David Lake argues that it is not perfect, and there is a lot to improve. †For the same reasons that substantial intellectual progress has occurred in the past, I remain optimistic about the future of this emerging interdiscilpline†(Lake 2004) In conclusion, as long as the global political economy faces changes and new challenges, IPE has to adjust its methods in order to better explain international interactions and their influence in economy and politics. Although the IPE filed is rapidly developing nowadays, it can improve its theories. We also need to remember that globalization is changing our current system, and that even though IPE predicted this current era, it wasn’t as accurate as it could be. Many experts argue, for example, that globalization is increasing inequalities around the world and that more protectionist measures must be taken (Oatley p. 362). A better understanding and development of the IPE would help us understand and take decisions about our current economics and politics, and would help us predict the outcomes of those measures we take. As Jeffrey Frankel says, globalization is neither new nor very extensive; the same way IPE has been developing for years, it must keep emerging new theories and methods. IPE’s main contribution First of all, I want to emphasize that I do not consider IPE as a methodological approach, but a set of studies that attempt to explain international trade and politics; IPE is not a group of rules that countries and economies have to follow, but theories that help us explain the outcomes of our economic and political actions. Personally I do not think that any particular event or politic-economic decision is a direct outcome of IPE. Instead, what I think is that IPE is an essential social science that helps us to understand economic and institutional behavior in the international arena. IPE has showed us how politics and economics are not separate aspects of our society, but they are complementary and interdependent pieces of the international system. Although there is a lot to develop in the international political economy field, it has been able to predict outcomes of our political and economic decisions. Therefore, IPE does not directly tell us what policies we should apply, but show us the consequences of each one of them and help us to take decisions based on predictions. Also, IPE has showed us that our society is in continuous change; although there are many factors that are repeated throughout history, there are also new challenges that appear in each different period. The study of International Political Economy can better prepare us to face the new challenges of our society: the emerge of new powerful economies such as China and India and how their appearance will change international relations, the implications of the last global financial crisis, the roles of new social force and international institutions, and many others. Sources Oatley, Thomas. 2010. International Political Economy (4th Edition). New York: Longman. Frieden, Jeffry, David A. Lake, and Lawrence Broz, eds. 2009. International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth (5th Edition). New York: Longman. Lake, David. International Political Economy: A Maturing Interdiscipline. Diss. University of California, 2004. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
Directive and indirective effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Directive and indirective effects - Essay Example At the same time, however, the EU's member governments have created and allocated increasing powers and discretion to a number of supranational organizations, including the executive Commission, the European Court of Justice (ECJ), and a European Parliament (EP), which now acts as a co-legislator with the Council in a growing number of areas. Although clearly the creation, or agents, of the member governments, these supranational organizations possess powers and preferences distinct from those of their member-state principals, and they have frequently been posited by both practitioners and academic observers as the embodiment of the project of European integration. The Commission of the European Union was established as one of the two executive institutions of the European Communities (EC). As opposed to the Council of the European Union, which represents the Member States, the Commission has been regarded as both the European, or supranational, and the administrative arm of the EC executive. The term refers to both the collectivity of the Commissioners (currently 20 in number) and the administrative apparatus that serves them. ... As to supervision, the Commission was given a general responsibility to ensure that other EC institutions and the Member States fulfilled those tasks and provisions assigned to them under the founding treaties. It had a duty to ensure that decisions taken by the Council were carried out, or adhered to, by the Member States, making it responsible for the implementation of EC legislation (for more detailed information see Elgstrm, 2005, p. 214). With the establishment of the EU, the European Commission continued to uphold the founding treaties and the acquis communautaire by monitoring other institutions and the Member States, although its exclusive right of initiative was compromised. In extreme circumstances, it can seek to enforce implementation by prosecuting an offending institution or Member State in the Court of Justice. The Commission is also required to advise on matters regarding the treaties, and even volunteers advice where it deems necessary. In order to fulfill this function, the Commission has had to develop a vast network of consultative and advisory bodies and contacts. It continues to take decisions in conjunction with the Council and the EP or, as with the CAP and competition policy, in its own right. The TEU gave it additional initiative authority in the areas of social policy and economic and monetary union (EMU). The Treaty further gave the Commission the right to be fully involved in the work of the tw o intergovernmental pillars that would stand alongside the EC: it can seek to initiate action within these pillars and even propose that some areas of responsibility should be transferred to the EC pillar (Sieberson, 2004, p. 993). The Commission must also carry out the duties and
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
THE LEVEL OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND COMMITMENT AT LLOYDS TSB BANK (FRONT DESK STAFF) - Dissertation Example Employee satisfaction is absolutely necessary among front desk staff especially those working in investment banks or other sales related companies as they represent an organization and bring in a greater portion of the revenue. The purpose of this study is to measure the employee satisfaction levels among Lloyds TSB front desk staff, one of the leading banks of UK. A questionnaire based survey was conducted and it was found that although the pay package and benefits provided by the bank were quite attractive, employee satisfaction was average among the Lloyds TSB front desk staff. An analysis of the questionnaire using popular satisfaction/motivation theories revealed that along with money other factors such as communication with the employees, respect and recognition and appreciation are also important. It was found that hard HRM is mostly practiced in Lloyds Bank TSB branches and hence it is recommended that a blend of both hard and soft HRM should be applied in order to improve th e employee satisfaction levels. ... ies 15 2.3 Maslow’s Theory 16 2.4 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory 18 2.5 Alderfer’s ERG Theory 19 2.5.1 Using Alderfer’s ERG Theory at Workplace 20 2.6 Vroom’s Theory of Expectancy 20 2.6.1 Applying Vroom’s Expectancy Theory in an Organization 21 2.7 Locke’s Path Goal Theory 21 2.8 Studies on Employee Satisfaction 22 2.9 Theoretical Framework 24 3.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 26 3.1 Research Philosophies 26 3.2 Research Design 27 3.3 Data Sources 28 3.4 Data Collection Tools 28 3.5 Sampling Strategy and Sample Size 29 3.6 Data Analysis 31 3.7 Validity and Reliability Concerns 32 3.8 Ethical Considerations 33 4.FINDINGS 34 4.1 Section A: Demographics 34 4.2 Section B: Human Resource Policies 37 4.3 Section C: Job satisfaction at Lloyd’s bank 43 4.4 Section D: Employee Training and Development Practices 48 4.5 Section E: Performance and Evaluation 48 4.6 Section F: Compensation 49 4.7 Section G: Employee Retention 51 4.8 Section H: Employee Commitment 52 5.DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 54 5.1 Analysis 56 6.CONCLUSION 59 6.1 Recommendations 61 6.2 Revisiting Aims and Objectives 62 6.3 Research Limitations and Future Research Scope 63 References 64 Appendix- I 73 THE LEVEL OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND COMMITMENT AT LLOYDS TSB BANK (FRONT DESK STAFF) 1. INTRODUCTION Employee satisfaction is commonly defined as the measure of how happy and content an employee is with his/her job and working environment (Kennet & Salini 2011). It has been observed that at times even though the package offered to the employee is good, the employees become discouraged and resign from their jobs. Certain factors like limited growth opportunity, lack of appreciation and recognition, high job stress and even lack of communication within the organization discourage and frustrate an employee. The
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Disaster recovery plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Disaster recovery plan - Term Paper Example In this regard, Cisco involves in introducing along with executing pioneering technologies as well as programs to deliver quality products to its huge figure of customer base and also to build a strong community worldwide (Cisco Systems, Inc., 2013). Thesis Statement The paper intends to review the present network architecture of Cisco Systems, Inc and propose network architecture of an alternate computing facility in relation to the occurrence of a disaster. Subsequently, a disaster recovery plan policy will be developed which will take into consideration aspects such as disaster declaration, assessment of security and disaster recovery procedures among others. In terms of market size, the business of Cisco is divided into various segments that include the United States, Canada, Asia Pacific region, European market and Japan as along with other emerging business markets. With regard to determine the layout as well as the organizational structure of Cisco, it has been apparently obse rved that the organization employs nearly 72,400 employees worldwide. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the organization named John Chambers has designed a top-down organizational structure segregating into four main parts i.e. ... rganization is facing certain difficulties relating to its network architecture owing to the reasons of complex business environment and gaining momentum of extreme business market competition. The present network architecture of Cisco can be recognised raising greater value especially in the service sector providing emergency services at the time of happening any sort of disaster like earthquake and fire among others. Cisco introduced as well as developed a Network Management Reference Architecture (NMRA) to assist the customers in understanding as well as addressing the operational needs concerning on people, process and technology. At present, the strategy of the organization relating to the aforesaid network architecture is developing an innovative technological vision which is aligned with the business requirements to comply with the clientele requirements by a greater level. The aforesaid network architecture which follows by Cisco can be better explained with the help of the f ollowing pictorial illustration. Source: (Cisco Systems, Inc., 2013) Proposed Network Architecture of an Alternate Computing Facility in the Event of a Disaster For developing an alternate computing facility, CISCO needs to remain much focus upon strengthening its existing organizational framework. In addition, the organizational network structure of the organization is also required to be standardized in order to assist the customers for understanding the technologies as well as the offering facilities at the moment of the occurrence of any disaster. It is worth mentioning that at this present era of modernized world, the global business lifecycle vastly depends upon information and communication technology (ICT) by a greater level. The initial objectives of the IT network disaster
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Sociological Imagination Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Sociological Imagination - Coursework Example The wealthy can afford any service a feature that makes them feel invincible. They overburden the health care system thereby denying the poor the vital services. A functionalist would define the obesity as a major social problem that arises from failures in various social institutions. Obesity is a lifestyle disease that with the rising number of obese people in the United States showing the intensity of the failure of various systems that would otherwise safeguard the health and physical fitness of people (Pollock, 2013). A symbolic interaction theorist, on the other hand, would define obesity as a social problem that arises from the interaction among people in the society and their ability to share values. To these theorists, obesity arises from changing lifestyles and the spread of obesity represents the efficiency and intensity with which people share the changing values. Functional theorists provide a realistic approach to the problem since they investigate social features and institutions that have failed thereby leading to the problem. The theory addresses obesity as a social problem that has effective solutions by addressing the changing lifestyles and nutrition two of the most significant factors that contribute to the spread of the problem (Bartos & Wehr,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Group Geospatial Revolution Videos Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Group Geospatial Revolution Videos - Assignment Example Alternatively, geographical or geospatial information systems describes the different technologies, methods and processes used to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in organizations. From the foregone discussion, it is evident that organizations strive at increasing efficiency and effectiveness in their operations. This same motivation has motivated Portland City to create some technologies, methods and processes that can be used to enhance their service operation. This has been motivated by the fact that GIS systems area cost effectiveness; additionally, they improve different functions in the city, something that increases the city’s potential to attract investors. The city has employed various professionals that have been doing their best in order to ensure that the city improves its practices. The incorporation of GIS in the city’s operations has increased job opportunities for many people that have continued to enjoy the improved services in the city. For this reason, the city needs to create goals and objectives that can be helpful in the achievement of the mission and vision statements in the city. However, the goals and objectives for the city’s GIS can only be derived from its mission and vision statements. It is important to note that a vision statement refers to the future picture or impression that an organizations develops for its for its practices. In this case, the vision statement for Portland City provides the picture of the city in its future as far as GIS systems are concerned and looks as follows; â€Å"To have a city that has effective and efficient services so that city residents and other investors can enjoy the lucrative investment opportunities. The city is thus positioned to become the centre for innovations and inventions that enhance people’s social and economic functions and processes.†The mission statement
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The films Jurassic Park and The Matrix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The films Jurassic Park and The Matrix - Essay Example This research is the best example of comparison of the films Jurassic Park and The Matrix. There exist some similarities and dissimilarities between both these films and directors. To be specific, the most important similarity is that both the films represent the same theme, future of human race and development within science, computing and information technology. The basic difference is that both the directors superimpose the same theme in different contexts. One can easily identify that the film Jurassic Park is symbolic of the industrial scope of amusement parks. So, the Jurassic Park which consists of cloned dinosaurs represents the human effort to exploit the scope of amusement parks as an industrial venture. In the film, the spark of greed that can be viewed in the eyes of John Hammond (owner of the park) while inviting the experts to the park (opening scene) prove that industrial interest is the grass root level reason behind the construction of the park, not mere amusement. O n the other side, the film The Matrix deals with the scope of philosophy that can be inculcated to the scenario of cinematography. To be specific, the portrayal of the protagonist (Neo) as a superhuman in a number of fight scenes is interconnected with the philosophical concept of super-humanism put forth by Nietzsche. So, the film Jurassic Park represents the influence of industrialization in the field of amusement and the film The Matrix represents the influence of philosophy in the cinematography. ... Besides, Spielberg’s earlier films like E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (released in 1982) proves that he is utmost interested in creating imaginative creatures and imaginary worlds. On the other side, the Wachowski brothers were deeply influenced by different fields of knowledge, art and entertainment. For instance, the philosophic content of the conversation between Neo and Morpheus proves that Wachowski brothers made use of philosophy in this film. Besides, the film’s theme is symbolic of the influence of literature and spirituality. Themes and narrative techniques The dominant theme in the film Jurassic Park is the danger of manipulating scientific experimentation for entertainment value and harmful effect of human interference into the rules of nature. On the other side, the film The Matrix deals with the same theme because the director provides ample importance to the drawbacks of the development of science and information technology, especially computing. One can easi ly identify that this film portrays the human dependence on machines and its consequences in future. On the other side, the narrative techniques made use by Spielberg and Wachowski brothers is different. For instance, Spielberg makes use of background sound to create terror in the minds of the viewers and to manage the story information. For example, the sounds of the dinosaurs (artificial) played in the opening scene and the close ups in scene 3 leads the viewers towards an imaginative world of dinosaurs. On the other side, the film The Matrix makes use of the theme music (say, not sound) and visual effects like ‘bullet time’ as an innovative narrative technique to mesmerize the viewers. Visuals/stylistic characteristics
Friday, August 23, 2019
Critique 3 peer reviewed literature review nursing journals Essay - 1
Critique 3 peer reviewed literature review nursing journals - Essay Example arch focuses on the topic: For patients in a home setting with wounds, does use of tap water to cleanse wound affect rate of infection and healing compared to use of normal saline to cleanse wounds in a month period. Riting Fernandez (2004) espoused that potable tap water is a good alternative for cleaning wounds in the home environment, based on clinical home trials. Likewise, the same research shows that the use of saline solutions that include Povidine Iodine solutions is an effective cleansing solution for contaminated wounds. The literature review reveals an obvious gap in knowledge or a conflict in what is currently known. The literature shows that there is confusion as to which is a better wound cleansing alternative in the home environment, in terms of the use of tap water or saline solutions. The literature review strongly supports the hypotheses or research question. The literature indicates that more research will increase current nursing assessment knowledge. The three journal literatures emphasize the effectiveness of the two wound cleansing alternatives. The three journals offer convincing evidences to affirm their wound cleanings findings. The literature shows different researches on the topic. The research literature shows that the additional literature is indeed to update the current nursing assessment knowledge on wound cleansing. Additional literature delves on supporting tap water and saline solutions to clean wounds. Nursing skills research also shows that the nurses must incorporate additional knowledge on other wound cleansing methods. The overall value in the literature review. The overall value of the literature in developing the knowledge database to implement the research equates to ensuring the correct acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis. Lack to research material may wrongly create a false rejection of the hypothesis. In the same light, the lackluster gathering of literature may trigger the wrong acceptance of the right
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Compare how Hardy and Shaw present women Essay Example for Free
Compare how Hardy and Shaw present women Essay Thomas Hardys tragic novel Tess of the DUrbervilles and George Bernard Shaws comedy play Pygmalion both highlight the treatment of women during the Victorian Era however, they both use different genre and style to explore this. The injustice towards women is clearly highlighted by Tesss famous quote Whip me, crush me; I shall not cry out. Once victim, always victimthats the law! This clearly demonstrates Hardys view of women being victimized by men and this is a view also taken by Shaw; he highlights this in his play through the ill treatment of Eliza by Higgins A woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere no right to live. Many Victorian readers were horrified at the authors feminist views as they thought it was natural that men treated women as inferiors and were shocked at the authors for sympathizing with their female protagonist. The Victorian attitude that women were subservient to the man comes from the biblical view that Eve was made from a part of Adam. Hardy and Shaws views refer form the Darwinian view of species which does not place men above woman which caused controversy within the Victorians. Hardy and Shaw give a sympathetic presentation of their female protagonist in order to make their hardships seem worse. Tess is descried as a simple country girl who is eager to learn about life she has full zest of life willing to learn she is continuously described by Hardy as beautiful Holmberry lips, Flower like mouth, beautiful white hart and virginally white. Hence we feel sympathetic towards her when she has to work at Flintcomb Ash, where the stubborn soil and stony lachets make working condition very horrific. Shaw describes Eliza as not all a romantic figure to highlight that this is the consequences of her living conditions; she lives in a small room with very old wall paper hanging loose in the damp places the only visible luxuries: a wretched bed heaped with all sorts of coverings which makes us feel sympathetic towards her. Shaw demonstrates the change of appearance in Eliza after she has been living with Higgins. After she has been washed, Shaw highlights her beauty impression remarkable distinction and beauty commenting on the fact now she has better living conditions her beauty can be seen; this is also visible in act three though the stage direction in Mrs. Higgins house such remarkable distinction and beauty as she enters that they all rise , quite fluttered. As I said above in the Victorian era women were usually seen as subordinate to men, they were regarded as mens property. Shaw portrays this by using Elizas father as a good example; Mr. Doolittle says this girl belongs to me and decides to sell her to Higgins for five pounds not a penny more or less. The dialogue used by Elizas father might be presented in a humorous manner; however, its impact on the reader is more effective as they see the harsh living conditions and treatment Eliza has to face. Eliza is effectively sold by her father to Higgins, Well, whats a five-pound note to you? And whats Eliza to me? she knows nothing about it- Shaw stresses the fact women were innocent and were used by men just to provide some money. They did not have a right to revolt as they had no control over the male figures in their lives. In Pygmalion no harm comes to Eliza even thought she is sold this is because Shaws keeping in mind that the play is light heart and comedy. The idea of selling their daughter is also is clear in Tess when Joan Durberfield dresses Tess up in her Sunday best when Alec is meant to come and collect her. Joan does this in hopes of Tess attracting Alec and they would get married which would be ideal for the families economical situation. Hardy points out this desperation to highlight the fact it was not just men who sold their daughters; there were also women who had to use their daughters beauty as a weapon for money and attraction towards men Her mothers pride in the girls appearance led her to step back like a painter from his easel, and survey her work as a whole. Even though Joan does this with affection there are deeper motives involved Hardy clearly use this to show that this novel is a tragedy and this selling will have terrible consequences in Tesss life. Shaw and Hardy also clearly portray women as the puppets or dolls who are easily used by men and are not allowed to be in control of their own actions and destiny. Higgins views Eliza as an experiment, Yes, by George: its the most absorbing experiment I ever tackled. Shaw states that Eliza is nothing more than a live doll without a mind of her own you certainly are a pretty pair of babies playing with your live doll. She is still a lifeless statue with an element of crudeness in her parrot-like conversation Shes to keep to two subjects: and not let herself go on things in general. Shaw demonstrates that merely fine clothes and the right accent are not sufficient to make a lady. Elizas accomplishments are artificial as stated by Higgins no more artificial duchesses. As Mrs. Higgins astutely proclaims, Eliza is simply a triumph of Higgins art and of her dressmakers. Hardy relates this in Alecs treatment of Tess during their first meeting, Tess is some what dazzled by Alec charm, as he spoke, in a way that made her blush a little and he takes advantage of that. Tess is looking for a job because she feels responsible for her families misfortune Well, as I killed the horse, mother, she said mournfully, I suppose I ought to do something. therefore goes to ask Alec for help. He realizes this and manipulates her until she seems to be in an abstracted half- hypnotized state and the kiss of mastery highlights that fact Tess is continuously controlled by Alec. Hardy and Shaw highlight the paradox that men blame women for their beauty and attraction and criticise men for then failing to accept responsibility for their actions. Hardy clearly portrays this by the use of Alec. He blames Tess for being the cause of his downfall saying that she has cast a spell on me with your beauty Alec later also states that Thats what every woman says after he has raped her complaining about the fact all women say no but they mean the opposite. Shaw shows these themes through his play mostly as comedy however their impact upon the reader is very immense as they understand the deeper meaning of it. Its clearly highlighted by Eliza repeating the phrase I am a good girl I am to reflect the fact she not a prostitute and she is pure even though she works as a flower girl makes us feel sympathetic towards Eliza as she continuously has to defend herself. This issue of purity is also visible in Hardys Tess as he comments on the beliefs of the Victorian era and as an omniscient narrator gives his book the sub-title Pure women thus asking the Victorian reader what is pure? Similarly Shaw highlights the irony of his book through the sub-title A Romance in five acts as Higgins and Elizas story is nothing to do with romance. Although both women suffer real hardship both Hardy and Shaw use their reaction to those to hardship to further strengthen the feminist stance of both texts. Tess and Eliza are shown very independent and want to control their own life. They clearly do not regard the social rules inflicted upon them by the male characters within their life as morally right. Tess usurps the male power of judgment. The law will not protect her from rape or redress the wrong has been done, or punishes the rapist, or give her back her child or her lost virtue. She takes the law into her own hands and punishes the offender, as she took Christianity into her own hands to get her dying baby into heaven. But Tess hands are a womans hands and within the era they would have been seen as incapable to administer sacraments and they are not supposed to administer justice so her death is inevitable. Similarly Eliza, who would never have been a lady if she was a flower girl to start off with, she clearly highlight to Higgins that the difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how shes treated telling him that his treatment its the reason why she is leaving him. The independence of both women helps them decide their own future and so in the end they both accept the problems or consequences they will face as Eliza states I sold flowers. I didnt sell myself. Now youve made a lady of me Im not fit to sell anything else. Although both female protagonists do not particularly have a ending they desire nevertheless they both have been in control of their own actions and have created their own destiny, enabling, Hardy and Shaw to end their work on a more feminist assertive note.
English Literature Commentary Essay Example for Free
English Literature Commentary Essay The Crystal Cabinet is an outstanding example of Blakes use of an alternative reality to evoke readers to contemplate the boundaries of their society in light of knowledge about another world where these boundaries do not exist. Through the poem which was written just after the French Revolution, Blake offers the extreme of human experiences; as the central metaphor of the poem symbolizes a deep human truth which can be adopted with his poem, London. The poems simple goal is to tell a story and share a wisdom. The poem contains seven stanzas, several stanzas containing a different world and a different boundary; within each stanza one is able to find a rhyme scheme which closely follows a broken dactylic tetrameter. The Crystal Cabinets seven stanzas forms a superstructure upon which the story elements can be intertwined, and imagination can be overlaid as deeper themes of Blakes philosophy can be also be embedded. The first stanza is the main and central metaphor which one should focus on as it unfolds line by line before connecting with the second stanza to further evoke readers on the different dimensions and boundaries. The first two lines in the first stanza seemingly represents a form of innocence, a new born into a new world that deserved a celebration which is where and why Blake uses the term merrily. However, one notices the semi-colon after the merrily as it drifts further away from the supposed celebration, as the narrators Maiden puts the persona into a cabinet and lockd me up with a golden key; the poems happiness and joy thus comes to a dramatic halt. The broken dactylic meter in the first stanza seems to be contradicting, as merrily representing a form of happiness and freedom, is partnered with key which in terms symbolizes a place where freedom is lacked and limited, where one is locked. The cabinet in which the narrator/Blake finds himself in is formd of gold, and pearl and crystal shining bright, a contrast to the large and dull world of nineteenth century London. The second stanza, from lines 5-9, Blake is using the cabinet for which the narrator is locked in to emphasize an escape to a different world as opposed to a world for which he lives in, a dull and fearful nineteenth century world, in London. The second stanza contains two broken rhymes/dactylic meters as Blake rhymes gold and world, and bright and night together. Inside the cabinet is where we find another London with its tower Blake uses to represent a temporarily forgotten evil of which the real city contained and the imaginary one within the cabinet was freed from. The cabinet that is described through the second stanza is a cabinet full of dreams and light, of beauty and no fright. A world that is surrounded by gold, a night that has a crystal shining bright light; this as opposed to a world where the narrator/persona is captured dancing merrily and locked up into a world of limits. The images inside this crystal cabinet translucent, lovely, shining clear; all of the people and places are presented in their perfect forms. Here, Blake comes to an agreement with Platos philosophy that a world of ideal forms only exists beyond our perception. His poem presents an encounter with the world, as the fourth stanza seems to be Blake pleading in hope that his readers will one day realize the possibility and potential which one can escape from their repressed society. O, what a pleasant trembling fear! is not necessarily speaking of fear itself, but the fear that this translucent, lovely and shining clear world of his will dissipate and once again, be ruined by repression in contrast to the French Revolution and its impact on England and the people of England. Here, Blake uses another broken dactylic meter of clear and fear; the clear representing/symbolizing a form of clarity, purity, innocence, and happiness and the fear that represents the loss of that clarity. Thus, allowing one to see the desperate desire that the narrator must have towards a peaceful world, a peaceful life that is not full of danger and fearfulness. Through this poem which catapults the reader into a realm of the personas imagination, Blake description and different realm throughout the fifth stanza is a world containing love, for which was given and returned. This particular stanza differs from the first four as it is filled with joy, happiness and love, without having a halt. O, the happiness and joy for which fulfilled my soul as though a flame being burnt, no composition, no question, I seek the love as I kiss the lovely Maid and found that the love I seek was returned. Notice the Maid in the third line of this stanza, is capitalized, which in terms represents something more than just a maid we understand in modern day, for this Maid is not one who cleans up after our mess, but a context used metaphorically to describe a woman in particular, a woman whom the persona is trapped with respects and cares about, perhaps a lover. Linking to Blake as the poet of this poem, must represent a time in his human experience of a lover which made him burn like a flame and smile threefold smiles. Another point for which one notices while reading this poem is the broken rhyme of burnd and returnd; the burnd here represents a fire (danger), a wrath, however symbolizing much more than just a fire object itself, as it symbolizes a warmth, the warmth of love, which in contrast was returnd. Here in this new world of The Crystal Cabinet, the persona trapped is happy and is in a world where his desires are fulfilled, as is the desire of his lover, his Maid. When the persona suddenly breaks the crystal cabinet in the fifth stanza, after having tried to seize the inmost form, the world was fierce and shattered; and the reader is convinced that both imagination and reason are incompatible to one another. Here, the poem suggests that our lives have been so dominated by the doctrines of society that if we do try to find any reason in anything beyond the confines of the familiar lives for which weve been put in, we will not succeed, but will fail. In terms of Blake during his time, this particular part of the poem suggests that people during this time, their lives, are so dominated by not only the doctrines of society, but the doctrines of the Church, that if they do find reasoning and truth beyond those lines that have been drawn for them, they will die, and that truth does not prevail because of the imposed laws and rules. Therefore, the realm of the imagination that is transcended can not be quantified by either science or mathematics, nor can it be philosophized according to the laws of the State or the Churchs teachings, limiting the human minds, locking each human up with a golden key, only allowing the locked up humans to use their alternative reality minds to go into other realms of the world. The last stanza, striking to the reader as to the narrator, basically states that although one has been locked up into a crystal cabinet with a golden key, having experienced different realms of the world and having loved and loved back, one opens their eyes (seize the inmost form but burst the Crystal Cabinet) they break through the cabinet and once again, is back into the reality of fear and danger, back to the fearful nineteenth century world of London. As babies crying because their births are of no happy events as it only represents a continuation of this woe (linking to London as well as last line of The Crystal Cabinet), and weeping Woman pale reclind, representing the plague from the Sexually Transmitted Diseases woman get from their husbands; there is no happiness, no other dimension that is capable of allowing one to escape reality forever, as the persona is born into a world filld with woes the passing wind. In conclusion, this crystal cabinet symbolizes a unique opportunity to unfold meaning and explore further into those minds of the nineteenth century. Using the metaphorical visionary/images to help set a stage for a greater understanding of the environment, situation and journey for which is also a realization of the philosophy of William Blake. This poem is independent, yet linked through the narrative, using color scheme and the re-use of objects and words from other narrative elements, these different realms of worlds and spaces produces a unique, harmonic, and fearful resonance to viewers. It is when the four-fold vision is sought as the Crystal Cabinet breaks, in the seventh and final stanza, summing up everything the poem means and has stood for, is returned back to the original place and location for which they had entered, in the town squares of London. Here, the readers experience has thus triggered a new perception of London, as this perception is the perception seen through the eyes of William Blake himself.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Using professional standards and codes of conduct
Using professional standards and codes of conduct Professional standards and codes of conduct are fundamental in setting base standards for health care professionals and are a major channelling force for those working in clinical teams. Codes of conduct are established to ensure that practitioners are working in a safe and effective manner and that patients are protected. (Health Professions Council, 2007) The professional standards provided by organisations such as the Health Professions Council (HPC) and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) supply a framework from which physiotherapists and other health care professionals can work within and give an awareness of the minimum of what is expected of them. Knowing and understanding their own codes of conduct will in turn facilitate performance within health care teams. Thrower (2002) comments on self awareness being the condition of being able to analyse motives for behaviour. Therefore, if a health care professional is conscious of their own actions and the resulting consequences, they can constantly reflect to improve their practice. This could be accomplished through such models as developed by Gibbs (1988). For health care students, codes of conduct are indispensible source of information that can be applied in unfamiliar situations as they will know what behaviour is expected of them. Codes of conduct are equally important for the more experienced professionals who may be habituated be outdated standards, which may not be adequate in the evolving area of healthcare and may prefer more traditional approaches to teamwork. There are now more moves in health care teams to be inter rather than multi discipline teams. Multi-discipline teams tend to be uni-disciplinary and work in professional isolation from each other. (Webster, 2002) Whereas inter-discipline teams take a more collaborative approach. In current practice, there is a heightened emphasis on collaboration between different types of practitioners, in order to escape restrictions imposed by traditional team structures. Collaboration can be defined as an interactive process requiring that the involved individuals combine their expertise, skills and resources to solve a problem or to achieve a goal. (Stichler, 1995) For example, joint assessments of patients by nurses and physiotherapists are becoming increasingly common. They include the advantages that the patient doesnt have to repeat information multiple times and the health care professionals will acquire a more comprehensive view of the patient as a whole. Through this fusion of knowledge a nd ideas a broader spectrum of information can be pooled to design a comprehensive care plan for the client. (Kalafatich, 1986) Thus a more comprehensive treatment plan, encompassing all aspects of the patients requirements, can be developed, ensuring improved care for the patient. Professional standards are essential in determining the scope and limitations of practice. Gibbons (2003) states that no single profession working in isolation can meet the care needs of a patient. Therefore, professionals need to recognise when their knowledge or scope of practice is limited and another profession would be more adept to treating a patient. However, the American Nurses Association (1994) reminds clinicians that they are only transferring the responsibility for the performance of the activity, not the professional accountability for overall care. As health care professionals are autonomous and self regulating, it is essential that codes of conduct are established to protect the patients own autonomy. Autonomy can be defined as self government or freedom of action. (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2008) The HPC Standards of Proficiency for Physiotherapists (2007) states that clinicians must be able to practice as an autonomous professional exercising their own profe ssional judgement. Conversely, this must be counterbalanced with gaining informed consent and respecting the wishes of the patient. In some cases, such as patients who lack mental capacity or are in a coma, this could prove difficult. Nevertheless, using the guidance from the codes of conduct, their own expertise and clinical reasoning and support from the health care team, the health care professional could attempt to inform and obtain consent from the patient and liaise with their carers, to provide the most appropriate treatment for the patient. Subsequently, codes of conduct play a vital role in justifying treatments and issues of accountability in the legal sphere. If professionals are abiding by the codes of conduct then their actions can be defendable. However, there are limits as to how much codes of conduct can guide behaviour within health care teams. Merely abiding by the standards does not necessarily result in an effective team. There are barriers which need to be considered which have the potential to hinder progress: levels of communication; clashes in personalities; tribalism; effects of outside pressures; lack of stability and lack of recognition of the skills of others. For example, a team member may find themselves in a situation which forces them to bridge the gap between a patients right to confidentiality and their own duty to report to their team. In this sense, it seems that the codes of conduct could be conflicting. Therefore, clinical reasoning must also be utilised to decide what is best for the patient. If health professionals truly aim to work in a patient centred environment then boundaries between disciplines need to be dissolved and mutually respected. Subsequently, focus can be placed fully upon the patient rather than tribalism and the over-protection of roles (Donnelly, 1999.) Perhaps more importance needs placing on shared learning experiences at an undergraduate level for physiotherapy, nursing and medical students, particularly to become more acquainted with each others professional standards. This could help to facilitate the teams of the future, as newly qualified professionals would already be accustomed to working with other healthcare disciplines. Consequently, they may be more likely and more informed to challenge traditional rigid structures of healthcare teams. In order to fully integrate teams and to allow them to function efficiently, different codes of conduct could be combined to produce generic shared values which all disciplines could work from in a particula r team. A philosophy as a working document will facilitate teamwork as all members of the team will share common values and beliefs that have been made explicit and open. (Jasper, 2002) In conclusion, for professional standards and codes of conduct to be relevant in current practice they must be understood and valued by all. For them to be applicable in future practice, it is essential that health professionals reflect in and on action. (Schà ¶n, 1983) Through this, they will not only improve their own practice, but also their contribution and the overall functioning of the team, which will in turn, have a beneficial impact upon the patient: the definitive goal.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Story about a Baseball Game Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays
It had been an unbelievable season so far, we were going into the championship game of junior league with only two losses. Of course, the only other team with a better record than us was the black team. We gave them their only loss on the second game of the regular season. Now, after defeating the better of the Mosinee teams in the semi finals, my dad, who was also the coach of our blue team, had stopped to watch the rest of the game between black and red. As we pulled into the parking lot, Andy Dunst ran up to our truck and said, â€Å"Black is losing in the sixth!†â€Å"Really?†I asked. â€Å"Yah, they’re down 9-6.†As we watched the rest of the game, black just couldn’t seem to get anything going, and the players on our team that were there watching were getting more and more excited. Finally, that last out was made, and we felt that the championship was a lock with our best pitcher going for the championship. All week, I was excited for the game, and finally it was the big day. As we were going through our warm-up routine, everybody was loose and confident. We were fooling around just like it was another game. Players were making jokes, throws were all over the place like always and it seemed like we had been there a thousand times†¦ until the game started. Josh Heinrick was on the mound in the first inning, and red was able to string a couple of hits together and score a couple of runs. â€Å"Lets go guys, it’s still early and we can make up those runs,†encouraged my dad. So, we went up to the plate, I was batting sixth, and went down in order. The team morale had gone from high and confident to rather low and worried. The game dragged on into the fifth inning and we were still behind by three. Now it was time to bear d... ...ssed it! Our team was going crazy. The outfielder was able to throw out the runner going to second and end the inning, but we had the lead going into the top of the final inning. All right, guys, let’s hold them, and we have this one. We control the game now, and it’s ours to lose,†encouraged my dad. Red was down, and they didn’t have anything in the seventh. They went down one, two, three. Our team all ran to the pitcher’s mound and celebrated. It was the best feeling I had ever experienced from baseball. The energy was awesome after the comeback win, and you could tell that red didn’t know what happened. They had us down and out in the second to last inning, but they couldn’t hold on. As they announced our names to get the trophies, we could hardly stand still. As I waited, I was thinking, I will never forget how it felt to win my first championship.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Good Usage is Simply Correct Grammar Essay example -- Teaching Writing
Good Usage is Simply Correct Grammar What is good use? Does it even matter? Those are not easy questions to answer. Is good use just simply using correct grammar or is everyone who is using it just trying to speak above everyone else? What I mean by "trying to speak above others" is using large words, which you normally would not use, just to sound more intelligent than you actually are. I think the type of usage a person uses depends on the audience, the topic, and why the person is writing. Why does good usage have to involve more than just those items? My answer to that question is that it does not. There are, in fact, many different types of good usage. There is good usage for friendly letters, resumes, cover letters, applications and etc. For instance, I would not write a letter to a friend and use the same type of language I would use in a paper for a professor. The letter would be more casual while the paper would be much more formal. If I wrote the personal letter in a formal way the reader would take one look at the letter and think I was just trying to impress someone. However, that does not mean that I am not using good usage in that letter. I still use correct grammar, check the punctuation, and check the spelling. That is what I consider good usage to be. As long as I still do those items isnà t that okay for a friendly letter? My friend reading that letter does not want to have to look up every other word in the dictionary. Now let's say I was writing a resume cover letter. I would not write something like à ¬Hey, Ià d be a good asset to your companyà ®. Instead I would write something to the effect of à ¬I feel I could be a desired asset in your companyà ®. I would choose the second statement because it sounds more... to say here? Basically, I am saying that good usage consists only of using correct grammar (paragraphs, punctuation, spelling, etc.) and has absolutely nothing to do with knowing all those "75 cent" words. People do not want to listen to other people trying to act smart and show off. Why does it matter? People need proper usage to get employed, receive good grades, to even get acknowledged in the "real world," and just simply to be accepted. Should good usage matter? This is tricky because it should not matter how proper people can speak as long as they do not sound "dumb as a rock" (if they are not) and they are able to perform their jobs well. Yet, we should not be running around saying sentences like "I ain't got no pen so I ain't gonna do my homework" because this is not even close to correct grammar which is my definition of what good usage really is.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Relativism: The Tangible Theory Essay -- essays research papers
Relativism: The Tangible Theory Since the beginning of rational thought, philosophers have searched for the true meaning of morality. Many theorists have attempted to answer this question with reasoning, in an attempt to find a universal set of rules, or a way to distinguish right from wrong. Some theorists believe that this question is best answered by a single moral standard, while others debate if there can be a single solution. Cultural Relativism explores the idea that there can be no one moral standard that applies to everyone at any given time. The Kantian theory, on the other hand, states that a universal sense of duty, would most benefit humankind. I believe that the Cultural Relativist theory takes into consideration the different cultures that make up the population as a whole. The idea of universal truth in ethics, is a myth. The customs of different societies are all that exist. These customs can not be ‘correct' or ‘ incorrect' for that implies there is an independent standard of right and wrong by which they may be judged. In today's global community people are interacting more and we are now discovering, more then ever, how diverse cultures and people really are. For these reasons the Cultural Relativist theory best defines what morality is, and where it came from. Today all over the world people are communicating in ways never before imagined. Cultural Relativism believes that one set of morals will not adequately adapt to the individuality of all the cultures and subcultures in the world. What this means is that there is no one moral law that fits every situation at every time. There will always be exceptions to the rules. Cultural Relativism leaves the creation of moral and ethical standards to the community. The community then makes moral judgments based on its specific culture, history, and individuality. For these reasons Cultural Relativism helps the community, by letting the community set its own moral standards, rather than impose a set of morals, as the absolutists would suggest. Imposing a set of universal morals would not be able to compensate for all the different cultural differences that exist today. If a universal moral law were to be created, what criteria would be considered? Would one use each communities's religion, customs, laws, educational standards, or cult... ...the nations of the world the set of beliefs which he thought brought the most good and happiness, he would inevitably, after careful considerations of their relative merits, choose that of his own country. Everyone without exception believes his own native customs, and the religion he was brought up in, to be the best." And this discredits the possibility that one such person can come up with a set of morals, or a true way to calculate those morals, because in fact everyone is biased to his or her own moral beliefs. Absolutism is obviously not a feasible solution due to the fact that the cultures of the world are too radically diverse to ever be able to be classified under one set of moral and ethical guidelines. I believe the Utilitarian idea of maximizing the good of the whole is also not feasible, on account of everyone not agreeing on what makes them the most happy. The Kantinisen sense of duty is discredited in the same way, on account of everyone's sense of duty being different. Although there will never be a moral or ethical theory that clearly includes all cultures as morally right, the Relativist theory is by far the most sensible solution offered to us at this time.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Brain Hiccup (Ocd)
Brain Hiccup Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior. OCD is an illness that really makes an impact in the lives of the people. This disorder traps its victims in endless cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors. This debilitating disorder called OCD exhibit obsessive thoughts linked to compulsive behaviors and causes symptoms that are difficult to treat, but medications and cognitive behavioral therapy helps control the outbursts, enabling OCD people to live a fairly normal but challenging life.According to Dr Robinson, OCD is like a needle getting stuck on an old record. Basically he is portraying how OCD works in the brain and causes people to get stuck on a certain idea or urge. By this happening it causes the effects of being trapped in an endless cycle. This cycle is caused from recurring and distressing thoughts, fears, or images that the person is stuck on and can’t control . This makes it impossible to control, which becomes an obsession, and causes anxiety from not having control of the obsession. This leads OCD victims to an urgent need to perform certain rituals or routines that called compulsion.The whole purpose of a compulsive ritual or routine is an attempt to prevent or make the obsessive thoughts go away. This anxiety disorder is a mental illness that really affects and makes those who have it suffer. Obsession is one of the components that an OCD person will experience by having this disorder. The obsessions are involuntary uncontrollable thoughts, impulses, or images that occur over and over again in their mind. In the beginning they don’t understand the obsession and why it’s happening. Over time, they will experience it more and more, which causes them to associate it with a fear and disabling anxiety.They can be may obsess about not shaking hands or touching public doorknobs because of fear of contaminated. Those who fear h urting others will obsess about their actions and the consequences of them hurting someone. Those who fear that things need to line up or be perfect are obsessed furniture arrangement, eating habits, or cloth. This obsession causes the most anxiety for OCD people. Another obsession is inappropriate sexual thoughts, pornographic images, violent emotions, and violent thoughts. The most common obsession in OCD is hoarding, because they fear something bad will happen if they throw away things.Typical examples of things people hoard are useless items, like outdated catalogs or clothing. Obsession can be demonstrated in many ways for OCD suffers, and really impact their daily lives. The second component that is caused from OCD is compulsion. Compulsions are certain acts of behavior that people do to get rid of the anxiety that was caused from the obsession. They do so by performing certain behaviors, which are rules or routines that they have made up. OCD people display compulsive behavio r that is derived from the obsession they have.For example, those obsessed with contamination or germs will compulsively wash and clean their hands till their raw. They can be compulsive in making sure towels are all the same brand and arranged correctly. Another compulsive behavior OCD people portray is checking locks on door multiple times, for instance six times before leaving the house. People with counting and arranging obsessions have compulsive behavior in ordering and arranging things to be perfect. These compulsive behaviors can become so time consuming from the routine they need to do in suppressing the anxiety.Which can really impact a person’s life, making it hard for them to live a normal daily life Even though OCD is a disease that doesn’t have a cure for those who have it. But there is treatment for this disease and it consists of medications and therapy. Basically both of these things working together in trying to help in minimizing the obsessions and c ompulsions that OCD victims have a hard time dealing with in daily life. Because after awhile it becomes consuming and to some it takes over there life and this is why treatment is so important in focusing on using both antidepressant and Cognitive behavioral therapy.Both of these treatments give an OCD patient the chance to live a fairly normal life. The first type of treatment is medicine, which consists of antidepressant called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). The type of SSRI medication: Celexa, Prozac, Luvox, Paxil, and Zoloft. The reason why SSRI is the medication used to treat OCD people is they have an imbalanced amount of serotonin in their brain. So by taking SSRI type of medications are very helpful for OCD people with dealing with the main issue of the disorder, anxiety.This medication is designed to treat and maintain that problem of keeping the serotonin level at a correct amount. The According to Dr Robinson, the main reason why SSRI are used in OCD pe ople, because they have less side effects than other forms of antidepressants, less withdrawal symptoms, less danger in the event of an overdose and overall are considered safer that other types of drugs. The Second type of treatment is Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a multiple of different therapy types, but the most important for OCD is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).This has been shown to be very effective in psychotherapy for this disorder. The reason why it is so effective is because of the technique used in this therapy that really helps OCD people. The reason why this therapy works for OCD is by person being exposed multiple times to a situation to trigger the obsessive thoughts. By doing this helps and trains them in being able to tolerate the anxiety and resist the urge of performing the compulsion. This is very helpful because people with OCD have probably confronted their obsessions or obsessions.By them trying to confront it and stop themselves perfor ming they compulsive behavior it actually back fires and makes their anxiety go way up. The only effective way is seeking help and being committed to trying to stop this disorder taking over. This anxiety disorder is such a devastating and burden disease for those who are suffering from it. They really face a very difficult and struggling disease. Even though it’s an anxiety disorder, but it’s a disorder that has control over them, having involuntary thoughts, which causes them to have compulsive behaviors. The only way to control it is through treatment because there is no cure for it.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Dementia Causes Of Nonfatal Disability Health And Social Care Essay
Mr. Roy was a supervisor and driver for a company for 35 old ages, dedicated employee, he married Jane and had four kids. Roy ‘s Dendranthema grandifloruom has history of undiagnosed psychotic jobs. He ever had disconnected idiosyncrasy, rigorous with everything and ever wanted to be foremost. Although he was dedicated to his occupation and ne'er had clip for his household, Jane was the chief carer of the household. She worked as director of a residential place.She says that he ne'er been at that place for my kids. Roy was a lovely individual when he married her, after she had four kids, he was working as a supervisor for a company for 35 old ages. Roy lost his occupation when he could non accept the alterations in work environment, when the company started to utilize the modern equipments. He started to act unsuitably, he collected office paperss and kept it on the top of the Attic, as he does non like Changes Company ‘s policies.He lost his occupation as this company mo ved to another topographic point. He lost involvement in his household life ; he spent clip in saloon and ever had impermanent lady friends and spends money for them, which ever leaded him to hold debts and borrowed from Bankss and edifice society, without cognizing his married woman. His married woman had to confront the biddings, measures and constabularies instances for a long clip. She continued to pay back.He had jobs with pull offing histories, records and names of kids. Roy started to be really ill-mannered and argumentative force per unit area on his married woman for money and spent it handling others in the saloon. He had tonss of impermanent lady friends ; his personality changed, he threatened his married woman with a gun one twenty-four hours to happen his manner. His driving accomplishments became hapless, and he had a auto clang but survived miraculously. He ne'er mentioned with his auto after this incident. Mr. Roy so isolated himself.He usage to see on a regular bas is to the topographic point where the company was and travelled several times in a coach on the fixed path. He has been referred to the head-shrinker and diagnosed of anxiousness, depression and he refused to undergo any intervention for 3 old ages. His status go worse.Roy ‘s memory deteriorated. He admitted to the infirmary due to his hard behavior pneumonia Mrs. Jane had to take voluntary retirement due to fiscal committedness and to look after Roy. Her girl was really supportive to her other three kids hated him, and ne'er bothered about their pa. Roy so sectioned due to his hard behavior admitted in mental wellness unit, undergone a CT scan and diagnosed of Fronto temporal dementedness. He moved to an EMI nursing place to pull off his complex demands. Roy displays physical aggression both existent and endangering. Roy says â€Å" do you desire two black eyes. †He will raise his fist and will try to slap the staff ‘s faces. Roy ‘s suppressions appears de creased which frequently consequences in socially inappropriate behaviors.Physical aggression towards fellow occupants, Roy appears to hold no penetration to his ain status on others illness and safety. Roy is at high hazard of bolting and has a past history of Windowss and bolting from the old attention scenes.Roy is self disregard, resistive towards personal attention, his behavior can be disputing when staff attack him sing personal attention.He has no construct of hazard to himself or others, he will occupy people ‘s personal infinite and can go confrontational regardless of any age groups.When people inquire Roy inquiries he will laugh unsuitably, mimic, or reply unsuitably, for illustration ‘do n't be stupid.His short term memory appears impaired to the topographic point and day of the month.Long term memory appears impaired and muddled. Roy believes that he was in the Navy, but his married woman has told that this was wrong.Some facets of Roy ‘s long term me mory are integral and he is able to acknowledge household members He likes to have on coat and bind all the clip.Conversational accomplishments are limited and superficial in manner hence farther mental wellness appraisal are hard. Roy likes music and will play loud music with no construct to others. When his temper lowers Roy has a inclination to socially insulate himself, He is presently prescribed antidepressants and his temper presently appears stable, he has a sweet tooth, can be really demanding for peculiarly chocolate eclairs.He tends to acquire chest infections recurrently. Common causes of dementedness are Alzheimer ‘s disease, vascular dementedness, Korsakoffs syndrome, Dementia with Lewy organic structures Fronto temporal dementedness, Creutzfeldt Jacob syndrome, Aids related cognitive damage, other rarer causes like Progressive Supranuclear paralysis, and Bins cholers disease. Peoples with multiple Sclerosis, motor nerve cell disease, Parkinson ‘s disease and Huntington ‘s disease can besides at an increased hazard of developing dementedness. Younger oncoming of dementedness is randomly defined as get downing before the age of 65 old ages. It is much rarer than tardily on set of dementedness ( Harvey, 1998 ) the proportion of those with Fronto Temporal Dementia is thought to be higher in younger-on set group than among older people developing dementedness. ( Dale2003 ; Williams 2001 ) perchance presenting emphasiss for household members. In add-on, the societal and psychological context of younger people with dementedness is different from that of older people ( Cox and Keady,1999 ; Tined all and Manthrope,1997 ) The term Fronto temporal dementedness covers a scope of status including choices disease and dementedness associated with motor nerve cell disease all are caused by harm to the frontal lobes and the temporal parts of the encephalon, these are responsible for the emotional responses and linguistic communication accomplishments Alzheimer ‘s society ( factsheet404 ) explains the nucleus characteristics of FTD as defined by the Neary standards are early diminution in societal and personal behavior, emotional blunting and loss of penetration. Selective encephalon devolution is seen in dorsolateral orbital and medical frontlet cerebral mantle ( Neary ) .Personality displacements in the way of submissiveness are typical for FTD. Although extraversion can emerge in antecedently introverted single s ( Rankin, Kramer, Mychackand Miller ( 2003 ) points out that there is a displacement from the heat to coldness on personality panics.Changes in established spiritual or political believes and forms of frock proposing alterations in the sense of ego are common, regard for personal boundaries disappears, some patient stare and go overfriendly, taking openly to the aliens ( including kids ) , Increased trust for others make these patients vulnerable to fiscal cozenages or sexual development. Indiscretion causes embarrassment to the household and disinhibited verbal effusions or socially inappropriate behavior is common. Miller ( 1997 ) describes the symptoms are Antisocial behaviors, frequently reflect hapless opinion and impaired impulse control. Damage in personal behavior is a nucleus characteristic.Some can be hyperactive with verbal and motor activities.where as others become inactive and withdrawn, some patients will fluctuate between over activity and apathy. Gregory and Hodges ( 1996 ) Kean Kalder, Hodges and immature, ( 2002 ) , Rosen et Al, ( 2004 ) Loss of concern for others and outstanding emotional blunting tend to insulate the patient.A solace of cognitive and emotional alterations tocontributeto this emotional blunting.for illustration, comprehension and look.are deficient, and the inability to grok the emotions that others are experiencing. That the others are experiencing peculiarly better, negative emotions contributes to the feeling that the patient is no longer concerned about his or her loved 1s, in add-on, patients become self centred and tend to concentrat e on their ain peculiar demands and desires. In a medical crisis scene, patients may react with inappropriate deficiency of concern, sometimes in a eccentric mode ( Johansson & A ; Hagberg,1989 ; Kramer et Al: 2003 ) loss of executive maps leads to impaired multi tasking, switching abstracting, doing sound judgements, planning and job work outing the executive jobs can be the first manifestaon of venereal disease continuing behavioral shortages ( lindauetal ; 2000 ) hapless public presentation at occupations leads these patients to acquire fired, and they tend to work at increasingly simpler businesss. Similarly, ruinous fiscal loss due to hapless determination devising is common prior to presentation at the doctor ‘s office ( miller 1995 ) explains that preservative and stereo typed behaviors emerge in the in-between phases of FTD, simple insistent motor or verbal Acts of the Apostless such as lips doing, manus friction or humming are common. More complex behaviors such as ro ll uping ( refuse, stones, casts, fictile figures ) rolling a fixed path or numbering money, evolve in patients. Hyperorality manifests in over feeding and alterations in nutrient penchant to a certain type of nutrient or even construct of uneatable objects. Analyzing this behavior features Mr Roy is precisely the same features we can see in him.Roy ‘s disputing behavior can be the marks of hurt choler, aggression anxiousness, and backdown.As ( Kerr and Cunningaham2004 ) states that it is hard to find how individual respond to the behavior or responses of a individual with dementedness, if we do non cognize what caused it for and how individual interprets it.As Roy has a rare signifier of dementedness with primary progressive dysphasia Patient with FTD besides go on to develop address and linguistic communication jobs during the development of disease, ( Neary 1998 Pasquier, Lebert, Lavenu and Gallium, 1999 ) . Depression occurs and many patients with FTD are diagnosed with depressive upsets before dementedness is apparent ( miller 1991 ) depression has untypical characteristics that are a hint to the existent diagnosing. Loss of insight sing behavioral alterations, diminished empathy for others, denial of depression, alterations, diminished empathy for others, denial of depression, apathy, and blunted affect are present, in many patients with FTD and depressive characteristics. Psychotic characteristics, such as psychotic beliefs and hallucination, occur but are infrequent. Deficits in working memory, set shifting and coevals are apparent, episodic memory shortages can be outstanding, taking to misdiagnosis of AD. ( Lindau 2000 ) ( Miller, Swartz Lesser, & A ; Darby, 1997 ) states that inordinate smoke and intoxicant or drug maltreatment can take to the misdiagnosis of intoxicant or drug dependence, patients with FTD tend to gorge in gluttonous mode. In clinical pattern because many doctor s are unfamiliar with its specific characteristics FTLD is normally misdiagnosed as AD. Decline in societal and personal behavior, emotional blunting, loss of penetration and progressive address upset develop early in the FLTD. ( Dawn Brooker 2007 ) points out that understanding individual ‘s past history is important to supplying individual centred attention, by looking at processs for how cardinal narratives are known about and how these are communicated Person with dementedness is cardinal to this procedure although others such as household or professional carers can besides deduce considerable benefits from being involved. The procedure and its touchable results assist communications and aid the development of positive relationships, Life narrative work hence has a multiple benefits for assorted people. It is and activity that all the mostly about the yesteryear, takes topographic point in the involves a series of intensive, non endangering extremely personal treatments between the individual disabled by dementedness and antiphonal appreciative hearer.As Roy ‘s dementedness has progressed and is unable to derive any information from him. Cunningham ( 2006 ) Lack of consciousness a nd cognition about the demands of the patients with dementedness can take to disputing behavior and misunderstanding of their demands. The ABC analysis of behavior is a utile successful tool for understanding patients with Dementia. This system provides an chance to enter all the factors which interact to make a ambitious state of affairs. ( Wang and miller 2006 ) points out that many facets of this upset make it peculiarly troublesome for health professionals, including loss of empathy for others, apathy, diminished penetration and inappropriate sound behaviours that qualify these patients. It can be argued that successful lovingness relationships are those here the individual with Dementia is accepted merely for what they are, non pressurised to go what they one time were an impossible mark for them to accomplish. Kitwood was the first author to utilize the term ‘personhood ‘ in relation to people with dementedness, he defined personhood as a standing or position that is bestowed upon what human being by other, in the context of the relationship and societal being.It implies acknowledgment, regard and trust. Brooker ( 2004 ) helpfully encapsulates the individual -centred frame work in four countries valuing the individual with dementedness and those who provide attention for them. ( V ) The individualism of each individual with dementedness, ( I ) , The of import position of individual with dementedness ( P ) and the cardinal function played by individuals societal environment individual centred attention involves the integrating of these four elements. So the people with dementedness and those who care for so genuinely seen as VIP`s. A senses frame work has been proposed by Nolan as a of understanding these triangular relationship between the individual with dementedness, the relation and the attention place staff.Six senses are highlighted.those are – sense of security, sense of properties, sense of continuity, sense of intent, sense of accomplishment and sense of significance.For individual with dementedness life in a attention place the two cardinal sets of trigon relationship are foremost, with household members and friends and 2nd, with assorted members of staff provide attention.the relationship with household and friends is critical in the context of the individuals journey through life ; the relationship with staff is critical in relation twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours comfort and satisfactions demands.Nolan et al argues ( 2003 ; 2006 ) argue that these six senses are indispensable for the relationship that are reciprocally satisfied for all concerned.for each of six countries, the individu al with dementedness, household member and attention worker may see this otherwise, yet a spread in any of these countries will adversely impact the quality of relationship. ( Forests ; Keady ; b'seddonch ; Diane 2007 ) explains that the individual with dementedness may experience secure and safe when he or she has a friendly smile faces about, and physical demands are reacting to quickly and gently ( the household member may experience secure when she or he experience confident that the individual is in good custodies. and having good attention.the attention worker may experience secure when their occupation is non under menace. when they do non experience criticised and scrutinised for every action, and when they do non experience under menace or onslaught, whether physical or verbal. A survey by CSCI ( 2008 ) of attention places has shown the quality of attention staff, communicating with people with dementedness has a major impact on their quality of life.leadership ethos, of attention place staff preparation ; support and good development are important factors in back uping good pattern. Jane hated Roy because his hard behavior and the emphasis she had before diagnosing. G.P`s were non cognizant of this dementedness as it is rare signifier of dementedness, .A cardinal manner easing carer ‘s engagement, is for the nurses and the carers to negociate a relationship within which engagement can run in a manner that endorses the rules of good pattern is already established.Walker. Tocopherol and Jane, B ( 2001 ) Fronto temporal lobe devolution work stoppages at comparatively immature age, so the disease frequently causes dramatic economic and societal effects before patients arrive in the clinic. The UK National service frame work for older people provinces that there should be specialist services for the younger people with dementia [ DOH ] , ( 2001 ) National service frame work for long term Neurological Conditions advices that there should be individual centred services, early acknowledgment, prompt diagnosing intervention and early rehabilitation ( DoH,2005 ) When Jane had to confront the effects of the challenging behaviours financially and emotionally for long periods as she was non acquiring plenty aid from the wellness professionals, and deficiency of diagnosing and unaware of his type of dementedness.the individual with dementedness will set with this of course, but it can be much more hard for their loved 1s, since they are distressed by what they lost. Miller and Wang ( 2003 ) Typical and Atypical major tranquilizers have been used for commanding aggressive and psychotic symptoms. However sing the possible inauspicious response with deteriorating motor symptoms and dysphasia, major tranquilizers should merely be used as a last resort. An increasing figure of structured or curative activity-based intercessions exist for people with dementedness. Examples include world orientation ; cognitive stimulation therapy ; music therapy ; art, authorship, dance and motion ; play ; aromatherapy and centripetal stimulation ; intergenerational programmes Montessori-based methods ; doll therapy ; the SPECAL attack ; emotion-oriented attention ; horticultural therapy and woodlands therapy. Reappraisals have revealed that the research grounds for most of these activities appears weak, nevertheless the seeable positive consequence they have on persons and anecdotal grounds indicates that they are worthwhile and have Referances Kerr D. Cunningham degree Celsius ( 2004 ) Finding the right response to people with Dementia.Nursing and residential attention.6,11, 539-542. Harvey R.J ( 1998 ) Family Burden immature oncoming of dementedness Epidemiology, clinical symptoms, support and outcome London Imperial College. Walker E. & A ; Devar B.J. ( 2001 ) issues and inventions in Nursing Practice.How do we ease carer ‘involvement in determination devising? Journal of advanced Nursing 34 ( 3 ) , 329-337.DecisionThe above survey therefore explains the badness of Dementia and its effects if left unattended. As stated above the figure of people acquiring affected by this disease is increasing at a really high rate. Thus this disease seems to present a serious menace to mankind and its societal being. The clip has come to get down big graduated table surveies and experiments on this disease and thereby device a methodology/cure for this. Besides WHO should advance consciousness about this disease among common public to guarantee early sensing and thereby cut downing farther wellness hazards.
Is the Philippines Truly Free Essay
In terms of fashion, culture and economy, however, we cannot say the same. The Filipinos still suffer from colonial mentality. Music, fashion, customs and tradition and products of foreign countries, especially the so-called stateside, are still being patronized by most Filipinos, especially the youth who unabashedly mimic foreign singers, artists, including their lifestyles not minding to spend lots of money just to be â€Å"in†with these foreign idols. Thousands of Pinoys are also dying to migrate to other countries. As a member of the Filipino youth of today I believe that I can somehow make the Philippines truly free by reversing the above negative attitudes. First, I will start from myself. I will think, talk and act like a true Filipino. I will live by the Filipino values like being polite and courteous, using â€Å"po†, â€Å"opo†, respect my parents, the elders and be fair to all. I will patronize Filipino made products so we can save the dollars of our country. I will visit and encourage visit to the local tourist spots. I shall lead by example by taking care of the environment. I will recycle plastics and use biodegradable trash as organic fertilizer. By doing so, we can boost our country’s economy and awaken the sense of nationalism in each and every Filipino. Not only will our country be appreciated by our fellow Filipinos, but also by foreigners locally and internationally. Lastly, I will keep myself informed of the current social and national issues so I can express my views thereon. I will encourage the youth to do the same so we can preserve the democracy in our country alive and help it move forward.
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